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学生的权利和责任 – Loan Information – Financial Aid Forms – Financial Aid Process – 财政援助政策 – FASFA Deadline Dates – Financial Drop for Non-Payment Schedule – Cohort Default Rates – Important Links – Important Dates
add remove 学生有权知道……
- 可获得的经济援助类型.
- Deadlines for submitting the 2019-2020 FAFSA for aid, June 30, 2020.
- 何时发放经济援助.
- 该财务需求由完成FAFSA分配的估计家庭贡献数确定.
- 学院的退款政策.
- 你的资助计划的哪一部分是“奖学金等礼物资助”,哪些是必须偿还的(贷款)?.
- 关于外部奖学金可能对你的经济援助奖产生的影响.
- If the aid is a loan, you have the right to know the interest rate, 还款金额及程序, length of time to repay and when repayment begins.
- 学校如何确定你的学业进展是否令人满意, 当你不这样做的时候会发生什么呢.
- 你有权接受、拒绝或寻求调整你的经济援助奖励。.
- 您提供给学生财务规划办公室的信息将是保密的.
add remove 学生有责任……
- 每年申请经济资助.
- Complete the FAFSA application form accurately and submit it on time.
- 提供正确的信息. Information found to be knowingly falsified may be referred to the U.S. 教育部, Office of Inspector General.
- 提供学生财务规划办公室要求的所有其他文件.
- 阅读你签署的所有表格.
- Keep copies of all your financial aid records.
- If required, you must register with the Selective Service System.
- Complete the required entrance and exit loan counseling sessions.
- 按照本票的条款偿还所有贷款.
- 在偿还贷款前,如有下列情况,请通知贷款人:更改名称, change of address, graduation, 中途退学或缺课半小时及转校.
- Notify the Office of Student Financial Planning if you:
- 改变你的居住/住房计划,
- 改变婚姻状况;
- Change your major,
- Change your graduate/undergraduate status,
- 更改您的注册状态(i.e. 全日制至非全日制).
add remove 经济援助和费用支付
费用在学生注册后每学期计算一次. For students in which the Office of Student Financial Planning has received all requested documentation and the student’s financial aid file is complete, 在每个学期和/或学期由教师确定名单并从外部实体收到资金后,经济援助将自动应用到学生的账户中. (外部实体是, but not limited to, SC学费资助机构, 棕榈/生活/希望机构, veteran affairs, loan processors, 另类贷款机构, Parent PLUS Loans, 职业康复, 劳动力或贸易机构, 在奖学金机构之外.)
The U.S. 教育部要求联邦第四章财政援助资金用于允许的机构收费(学费), fees, housing, and meal plans). Non-allowable institutional charges are items such as health fees, parking tickets, lock-out fees, etc. 联邦标题四基金可以支付上一学年剩余余额的200美元.
Questions regarding the student’s Statement of Account? Contact 843-383-8026
Questions regarding the student’s financial aid? Contact 843-383-8055 -
add remove 经济援助资格限制
有刑事定罪的学生受到资格限制,可能没有资格获得联邦和/或州基金. 1965年的高等教育法, amended, 如果学生在入学期间因持有或销售毒品而被联邦或州法律定罪, that the student’s federal and state financial aid will be suspended. 如果学生在提交FAFSA后被判犯有毒品罪, the student will lose eligibility for federal aid and may be liable for returning any financial aid they received during the period of ineligibility.
The student may regain eligibility by passing two random drug tests conducted by a drug rehabilitation program—the program must meet the criteria established by the U.S. 教育部. 如果学生重新获得资格,请联系学生财务规划办公室.
add remove 不寻常的入学历史
学生的FAFSA可能会被标记为不寻常的入学历史.S. 如果学生有在多个学院注册多年的模式, 表现出异常活动. The student will receive a notification from KHEAA Verify to create an account at their site and submit requested documentation regarding Unusual Enrollment History. The Office of Student Financial Planning utilizes KHEAA Verify to process verification and 不寻常的入学历史 information on the university’s behalf. KHEAA Verify will request the student’s transcripts for four concurrent award years and determine if federal and/or state funding will be approved for the academic year. 如果确定学生的入学时间足够长,可以收集学生资助资金, 那么学生的特殊入学历史文件将不会被批准,也没有资格获得联邦和/或州资助. (联邦资助包括佩尔助学金, Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant, loans, PLUS Loan, work-study, and state funding includes the SC Tuition Grant.)
add remove Loan certification
学生贷款将在每个学期或学期的提取日期后进行认证. This change was instituted due to inconsistencies in course registrations 以及在最后退课期之前退课的学生. 在这种情况下,给学生造成了超额支付,很难收回这些超额支付的资金. This policy will help to ensure students are actively enrolled.
add remove 选择拒绝贷款给学生
If a student is eligible for student loans, 学生财务规划办公室有权拒绝分配直接贷款,斯塔福德和/或家长PLUS贷款, or alternative loans. 由于以下原因,学生财务规划人员有权拒绝或撤销学生贷款.
- The student may be negligent in repaying loans;
- The student is concurrently enrolled at another institution;
- The student has not provided requested documents;
- The student provided fraudulent information; and/or
- The school received notice that the student is in default, bankruptcy status, overpayment status, 或者有残疾出院的状态.
add remove Financial aid satisfactory academic progress guidelines
In accordance with federal regulations (HEA Sec. 484(c), 34 CFR 668.16(e), 34 CFR 668.32(f), 34 CFR 600.2, and 34 CFR 668.34), 学生必须保持令人满意的学业进步(SAP)才能获得联邦第四章援助. 正规博彩十大网站有权拒绝向任何不符合SAP的学生提供经济援助. 以下是库克大学的SAP财务援助指南. 财政援助SAP在每个学年夏季学期结束时进行处理, 对于学生通过上诉和/或学术计划程序临时批准的每个入学期间.
add remove SAP Requirements
1. Students must be admitted and enrolled as a degree-seeking student, and take courses required for the chosen degree completion. 只有完成所选学位课程所需的课程才有资格获得联邦第四章基金(佩尔, SEOG, Work-Study, Direct Loans, Parent PLUS Loans, Perkins Loans, SC Tuition Grant, and Hope, LIFE, 或棕榈奖学金). Per 34 CFR 600.2, 不计入完成学生学位课程要求的课程没有资格获得联邦资助.
2. Maintain a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 2.0分或以上(详见学院目录“继续要求和分类见习”).
3. 在所选的入学课程中,至少完成67%的累计学分(成绩为W, I, and F will be counted as hours attempted).
4. Transfer students must be making SAP at his or her previous college.
5. 学生必须在课程公布长度的150%内完成所选学位要求. 正规博彩十大网站要求学生在所选课程中完成120学时,学生将有120学时的150%来完成他们的课程,最多可获得180个学分. 所有在正规博彩十大网站获得的转学学分都包含在总尝试学分中. -
add remove Warning Period
The SAP warning period allows a student one semester (one term for graduate program students) to make up for any GPA or pace of progression deficiencies. 在SAP警告期间,学生可以继续获得经济援助,而无需上诉和/或学术计划. Students are encouraged to work with their advisors, student success coach, and tutors regarding academic challenges and offerings that may help increase the student’s success with increasing their GPA and/or pace of progression.
如果学生达到累积GPA 2的要求.0 or higher (3.0 or higher for graduate program students), 在警告期结束时,进展的速度还没有达到, the student will no longer be considered to be making SAP and will become ineligible for federal and state funding without an approved appeal and/or academic plan.
add remove 经济援助,缓刑和休学
- The student will be considered as not making SAP for Federal Title IV financial aid for one payment period if one or more of the SAP requirements are not met. 学生将被要求完成经济援助上诉程序, 如果临时批准, will be required to follow one or more of the following criteria to be considered for funding for future enrollment periods: make “C’s” or better in all courses; complete courses without incomplete grades; do not withdraw from courses; obtain at least a 2.0 semester/term GPA; and/or complete 100% of attempted hours.
- If the student does not make SAP under an approved appeal, the student’s aid will be placed in suspension status for Federal Title IV aid if SAP is not met during the previously provisionally approved probationary period. 如果有减轻罪责的情节, 学生可以联系学生财务规划助理主任,询问如何完成第二次上诉. 如果确定需要一个以上的付款期才能实现SAP,则可能要求学生完成上诉和学术计划,以考虑联邦第四章资金. 如果学术计划被批准, the student will be placed in probationary status and may be required to make progress with one or more of the following criteria: “C’s” or better’ complete courses without incomplete grades; do not withdraw from courses; complete a defined percentage above 67% of attempted hours; complete the term or semester with a 2.0 or higher GPA; and/or increase their CGPA. If the student does not make progress under the academic plan (i.e., make “C’s” or better’ complete courses without incomplete grades; do not withdraw from courses; complete a defined percentage above 67% of attempted hours; complete the term or semester with a 2.0 or higher GPA; and/or increase their CGPA), s/he will no longer be eligible for Federal Title IV funding. 学术计划的长度将在审查过程中确定,并且不会超过最大计划时间框架, but may be active until the student reaches SAP.
- 如果在学年期间未完成至少67%的累计学分,该学生将被暂停联邦第四章经济援助.
- The student will be placed on suspension for Federal Title IV financial aid when attempted hours exceed 150% of the allowable program credit hours. 尝试时间不能超过180小时. 计入学生专业或课程的转学学时将计入已完成学时和尝试学时.
- Per the Federal Student Aid Handbook (V1, Chapter 1, page 13), “a student that completes the academic requirements for a program but does not yet have a degree is not eligible for further Title IV aid for that program”.
- The student will be allowed three program changes; however, 如果学生完成了之前课程的毕业要求, 学生必须毕业,否则将不再向学生提供联邦第四章援助. All courses attempted and completed will be included with program changes and transfer hours related to the program will be counted hours toward degree progression.
- 联邦第四章援助将继续暂停,直到SAP实现. Coker requires that a student take a full load (12 credit hours) of courses for one semester and pay for those courses and make progress with “C’s” or better, 不会收到不完整或NC分数, 也没有退课. 当学生通过完成课程并不断提高累积平均成绩来证明SAP时,学生可以通知学生财务规划办公室审查他们的记录并决定恢复联邦第四章资助. Reinstatement of Federal Title IV funding will not be retroactive.
- Students may repeat courses that were not satisfactorily passed, 得到“F”的成绩, if the courses are required for program completion. Only one-course repeat will be eligible for federal funding if the student has previously pass the course; however, 如果学生重修一门课程,他们通过了,但没有通过,那么学生没有资格重修这门课程(34 CFR 668).2(b)).
- 当学生在经济援助暂停一段时间后重新获得SAP时,联邦第四章援助不会自动恢复. 学生必须要求学生财务规划办公室重新评估他们的进度,以便恢复援助.
- 如果学生处于休学状态,将没有资格获得经济援助.
add remove Appeals
- 由于缺乏SAP,学生可以对联邦第四章经济援助的拒绝提出上诉. 上诉必须在上课第一天前至少两周以书面形式向学生财务规划助理主任提出. The appeal should provide the reason(s) (illness, injury, 家庭成员死亡, or other special circumstance) why SAP was not achieved, 有什么变化可以在下次评估中展示进展, and what the student intends to do to regain SAP. 必须提供证明缺乏SAP的原因的文件. 上诉条件将是, but are not limited to: make “C’s” or better’ complete courses without incomplete grades (“B’s” or better for graduate students); do not withdraw from courses; complete a defined percentage above 67% of attempted hours; complete the term or semester with a 2.0 or higher GPA; and/or increase their CGPA.
- 如果学生的上诉被批准, 但是确定该学生需要一个多学期才能达到SAP, 该学生将获得经济资助,并有学术计划. 只要学生符合学术计划的要求(以最大时限要求为准), s/he will continue to be eligible for Federal Title IV aid. 在每个付款期或注册期结束时检查进度.
- 如果上诉被学生财务策划处助理处长拒绝, 学生有权向学生财务策划主任提出上诉. If the Director of Student Financial Planning denies the appeal, 学生可依下列顺序向下列职员提出申诉:招生管理副校长, and last, 学院院长.
- 学生最多可以上诉两次,前提是在上一个付款期间取得了进展.
add remove Academic plans
- 学术计划可以为学生定制,并且将规定必须满足的条件以及允许重新获得财务援助SAP的学期或学期数量. 学术计划的条件将是, but are not limited to the following criteria during the payment period: make “C’s” or better’ complete courses without incomplete grades (“B’s” or better for graduate students); do not withdraw from courses; complete a defined percentage above 67% of attempted hours; complete the term or semester with a 2.0 or higher GPA; and/or increase their CGPA.
- 学术计划不是无限期的,并受最大时间框架进展的限制.
add remove Appeal and Academic Plans Deadline Dates
Deadlines dates are firm and there will be no exceptions.
夏季2023学期- 2023年5月8日
Fall 2023 Semester or Terms – August 1, 2023
Spring 2024 Semester or Terms – December 1, 2023
夏季2024学期- 2024年3月1日研究生课程学生
2023年秋季学期1、2、3、4 - 2023年6月3日
Spring 2024 Terms 5,6,7 – December 1, 2023
夏季2024学期8 - 2024年4月29日 -
add remove 研究生课程学生
- Students must be admitted and enrolled as a degree-seeking student.
- 研究生课程的学生必须完成大学目录中列出的课程, within 8 terms of continuous enrollment, and for interrupted enrollment 5 years from first enrollment. For the purpose of receiving Federal Title IV funding, 学生必须在课程公布长度的150%内完成研究生学位. 如果正规博彩十大网站要求学生完成研究生课程的30个学时,学生将有30个学时的150%来完成他们的课程,最多可获得45个学分. 如果要求33小时,那么学生将有33小时的150%来完成他们的课程,最多49小时. If 42 hours are required for a graduate program, 然后学生将有42小时的150%来完成他们的课程,最多63小时. 所有在正规博彩十大网站获得的转学学分都包含在总尝试学分中.
- 如果一个学生得到6.0个学时,成绩为“C”,那么学生可以将学时计入毕业. 如果该学生的成绩为“C”,则该学生将被开除.0 credit hours.
- 如果学生获得“D”或“F”,他/她必须重新参加正规博彩十大网站的课程. 学生将有资格获得联邦第四章资助,以重复一次通过“D”的课程,前提是该课程是研究生课程毕业所必需的. 如果学生不及格,经济资助将支付一门重修课程的费用, 直到学生以“C”或更高的成绩通过考试,成为毕业必修课.
- 成绩低于“C”的学生将被留校察看并暂停经济资助. 学生将被要求完成经济援助上诉程序 and if approved the student will be eligible for financial aid for one payment period. The student may be required to complete an academic plan if it is determined that SAP cannot be achieved in one payment period to be considered for Federal Title IV funding. 如果学术计划被批准 the student may be required to: make “B’s” or better’ complete courses without incomplete grades (“B’s” or better for graduate students); do not withdraw from courses; complete a defined percentage above 67% of attempted hours; complete the term or semester with a 2.0 or higher GPA; and/or increase their CGPA. If the student does not make progress after the academic plan, s/he will no longer be eligible for Federal Title IV funding.
- 如果在试用期间SAP未达到要求,该学生将被暂停联邦第四章援助.
- 如果学生处于休学状态,将没有资格获得经济援助.
- 联邦第四章援助将继续暂停,直到SAP实现.
Loan Information
add remove Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans
补贴贷款是指政府在你上学期间支付利息, and you must have financial need to be eligible for the loan. Subsidized loan limits are: Freshmen (0-27 hrs) $3,500; Sophomores (28-57 hrs) $4,500; and Juniors and Seniors (58+ hrs) $5,500. There is an 1.057% loan origination fee required by federal law.
Unsubsidized means you pay all the interest, although you can have the payments deferred until after graduation. The interest is added to your loan balance. 受抚养的学生只有在父母收到父母/PLUS拒绝时才有资格获得这笔贷款. 无补贴贷款限额为:大一和大二学生(0-57小时)6美元,000; and Juniors and Seniors (58+ hrs) $7,000. These loans have variable interest rates, capped at 8.25% or less, depending on the year rates.
The FAFSA must be completed in order to receive a federal loan. 这些贷款不需要信用审查,利率也很低. Applicant must be a U.S. 公民,没有拖欠贷款,也不欠教育补助金的退款.
New recipients are required to complete entrance counseling and a master promissory note prior to the certification and disbursement of any federal loan. 在线咨询可在 我们必须确认你已经完成贷款入口和主本票之前,证明贷款.
直接补贴贷款和无补贴贷款每年在每年的FAFSA基础上提供给学生. 学生可以通过他们的CobraStop账户拒绝贷款来减少或拒绝他们的补贴和/或无补贴贷款, by contacting their financial aid counselor, 或者发邮件给财政援助
add remove 南卡罗莱纳州教师贷款
南卡罗来纳教师贷款计划旨在鼓励学生进入教学行业. 该正规博彩十大网站的贷款金额为:2美元,500 per year for Freshmen and Sophomores; and up to $5,其他学生五千元. Students can borrow up to $20,000 cumulative maximum.
职业转换贷款计划旨在帮助希望改变职业并进入教学行业的个人. 学生每年最多可借15,000元,累积上限不超过60,000元.
If the graduate teaches in a critical need area, their loan can be forgiven at a rate of 20% each year. 如果毕业生在一个重要的学科和地理区域任教, their loan can be forgiven at a rate of 33.每年3%的全职教学.
资金有限,申请时间为2月底至3月初,从8月开始的下一学年. 申请截止日期为6月1日. Call the office to receive an application or apply online at:
FAFSA不是必需的 to apply for this loan.
add remove Parent/PLUS Loans
家长(PLUS)计划旨在帮助信用良好的受抚养学生的父母支付教育费用. 如果家长的PLUS预筛选基于所需的信用检查被拒绝, their student will be eligible for a Stafford Unsubsidized loan. There is a 4.228% loan origination fee required by federal law. 要确定您是否有资格获得PLUS贷款,并了解更多信息,请参阅以下网站:
PLUS loans have variable interest rates capped at 10.5%. Repayment begins 60 days after the funds are fully disbursed. The FAFSA is required. 如果FAFSA已经提交, 经批准的PLUS贷款的最高额度可以通过联系你的财务援助顾问来确定. 申请人必须是美国公民.S. citizen.
Coker University will send a permission to certify letter to the parent after receiving notification that the PLUS credit decision was approved. 当学院收到家长的完整许可证明信时, 学院将出具贷款证明. 家长有责任填写所有本票, 自我认证形式,, etc. with the lender. 父母批准的PLUS贷款与不良信用记录将被要求完成家长PLUS辅导位于
add remove Alternate Loans
Alternative loans are used to pay for tuition, fees, books, room and board, supplies, and transportation related to educational expenses. 替代贷款不能超过由财政援助办公室指定的学生的最高允许出勤费用.
The interest rate is variable based on prime rate, adjusted quarterly, 在整个贷款期限内. 学生在校期间产生的未付利息将在学生开始还款时资本化并加到本金中.
FAFSA不是必需的. 如果FAFSA已经提交, 批准的替代贷款允许的最高金额可以通过联系你的财务援助顾问来确定. Dependent students will require a viable co-signer. Some independent students may require a viable co-signer.
You may view, learn about, 并在以下FASTChoice网站地址选择其他贷款机构. 由于贷款人愿意与我们的学生合作,网站上列出了其他贷款机构, 提供优质的客户服务, 为我们的学生提供可行的和联邦监管的信息.
add remove 学生贷款利率
Loan Type Borrower Type Fixed Interest Rate 直接资助贷款 and 直接无补贴贷款 Undergraduate 4.99% 直接无补贴贷款 研究生或专业 6.54% Direct PLUS Loans Parents and 研究生或专业 Students 7.54% -
add remove Statistics
- Graduation Rate 39%*
- Default Rate 3.1%**
2.3% (National Average) - 保留率51%(全日制)*
- 平均贷款债务$28,000***
- Average Amount Awarded in Aid Categories
$22,850(Grants & Scholarships)****
4722美元(Pell Grant) * * * *
Financial Aid Process
add remove 申请经济资助
Submit a completed admissions application to the Admissions Office. 申请人必须被正规博彩十大网站录取为攻读学位的学生,才能获得资助. 临时学生必须通过其所在机构协调援助. Special students are not eligible for financial assistance.
Submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to the U.S. 教育部 as soon after January 1 as possible. The FAFSA website is
在11月1日之前提交FAFSA的学生可能有资格完成续签申请. Eligible students will be sent a Personal Information Number (PIN), which can be used to complete the Renewal Application on the Web. 正规博彩十大网站要求的所有申请都可以根据要求从财政援助办公室获得.
高中指导办公室可以提供当地雇主的奖励信息, churches, pto和地方市民组织. Limited aid is also available for summer school. All financial information will be held in strict confidence.
add remove Awarding process
Once a student’s need has been established by using the FAFSA, 财政援助主任将通知学生他或她的学年奖励包. 奖学金通常包括奖学金、助学金、校园就业和贷款. 一旦经济援助和录取文件完成,最终的奖状就会发出. 助学金授予在正规博彩十大网站完成之前课程的学生. 财政援助令人满意的学业进步指南将被用来确保学生取得学业进步. 学生和家长提交学校要求的文件是很重要的. 当Coker收到学生的FAFSA信息时,会向学生发出一封信,要求他们提供文件或要求完成某些正规博彩十大网站,以便经济援助顾问完成联邦政府的包装, institutional, 和/或为学生提供国家资助.
add remove Loan certification
学生贷款将在每个学期或学期的提取日期后进行认证. 这一变化是由于课程注册不一致造成的, 以及在最后退课期之前退课的学生. 在这种情况下,给学生造成了超额支付,很难收回这些超额支付的资金. This policy will help to ensure students are actively enrolled.
add remove 选择拒绝贷款给学生
If a student is eligible for student loans, 财政援助办公室有权拒绝分配斯塔福德, Perkins, 或私人来源贷款. 我们仍然可以将违约视为学生不愿偿还贷款的证据. For a Perkins loan, 如果还款是非自愿的, you should consider a default as such evidence to deny. 财政援助人员有权拒绝或撤销学生贷款,原因如下所列.
- The student may be negligent in repaying loans;
- The student is concurrently enrolled at another institution;
- The student has not provided requested documents;
- The student provided fraudulent information; or
- The school received notice that the student is in default, bankruptcy status, 或者处于多付状态.
Financial Aid Forms
add remove 2023-2024学年
Click here to view all the forms for this academic year.
add remove 2022-2023学年
Click here to view all the forms for this academic year.
add remove Citizens Bank
add remove Custom Choice
add remove CuStudent
add remove Direct Loans
add remove 私人贷款自我证明表格
add remove Discover
add remove 高等教育院优势教育贷款
add remove PNC
add remove Raise
add remove Sallie Mae
add remove SCSLC
add remove SoFi
add remove Union Federal
add remove 第四章资金的返还
In accordance with federal regulations Coker University calculates earned and unearned funds of Title IV aid based upon the last date of attendance, 或者学校知道该学生退学的日期, up through the enrollment period’s 60% point as per HEA, Section 484B, 34 CFR 668.22, DCL GEN-11-14. 如果学生在入学期间将获得或已经获得第四项贷款,则在学生退学时,学校完成第四项退款的返还. This includes Perkins loan, FFEL, Pell Grant, and FSEOG.
The student meets with the academic advisor who handles withdrawals, 讨论他或她的退缩, 然后填写取款单. 然后,学生与经济援助人员会面,讨论并收到书面文件,说明标题IV的返回将对经济援助以及学校的退款政策产生的影响. 学生收到一份书面声明,允许学生根据联邦法规要求或拒绝任何贷款资金的支付. The calculation for Return of Title IV is completed.
在计算第IV章的申报后, 未赚到的钱被返还给适当的实体,而赚到的钱则留在学生账户上. 在达到60%之后,学生就有资格获得所有联邦、机构和州基金. 学校自决定撤销之日起45天内向有关单位退还资金. 根据计算表格和学生的要求,对助学金或贷款资金进行调整. 所有文件都记录在学生的记录中,并保存在学生档案中. 替代贷款和非机构收费被排除在第四章规定的回归之外. If a student is enrolled and is past the 100% refund period, the alternative loan will not be adjusted. 这笔资金将从学生余额中扣除,任何贷方将支付给学生.
add remove 付款期或期限完成的百分比(获得的援助的百分比)=
Aid to be returned =[(可发放助学金的100%)-(已获得助学金的百分比)]x(在缴费期和入学期内本可发放的助学金总额)
If a student earned less aid than was disbursed, 学校将被要求返还一部分资金,学生也可能被要求返还一部分资金. Please remember that when Title IV funds are returned, this may create a balance due to Coker University from the student.
If a student earned more aid than was disbursed to him/her, 大学将欠学生一笔退学后的费用,必须在学生退学后30天内支付.
Return of funds are allocated in the following order:
- 直接无补贴贷款
- 直接资助贷款
- 联邦珀金斯贷款(如适用)
- 联邦家长贷款
- Federal Pell Grants
- Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (SEOG)
add remove Verification
When completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, 表格上的大多数问题都是想知道你在申请时的情况. However, 在某些情况下,您可能希望(或被要求)更改所报告的信息.
教育部或机构可以选择你的FAFSA进行验证. 这个过程被称为验证. In this case, the accuracy of the information provided on the student’s FAFSA is verified in order to ensure that federal aid is distributed appropriately to those who are eligible. 由于估计的信息,您的FAFSA可能会被选中进行验证, inconsistencies, 相互矛盾的信息, incompletion, or random selection.
学生将通过他们的学生援助报告(SAR)和电子邮件被告知他们被选中进行验证, mail, or phone. 如果你的FAFSA是由教育部或正规博彩十大网站选出的, 您需要向大学及其代表提供所需的文件. 该文件将用于验证您在FAFSA上输入的信息. The student will receive a notification from KHEAA Verify to create an account at their site and submit requested documentation regarding verification. The Office of Student Financial Planning utilizes KHEAA Verify to process verification and 不寻常的入学历史 information on the university’s behalf.
If you choose not to or fail to submit verification documents, 大学将无法完成对你获得经济援助资格的审查. In rare cases, a student who has already been awarded federal and/or state financial aid may be selected for verification after financial aid has been disbursed. In the event that this happens, we will send notification by email. Failure to comply with the verification requirements will result in your aid being canceled and any future aid not disbursing to your student account. If financial aid had already disbursed to your student account, 你的经济援助也会被取消,这可能会导致你的大学学生账户出现余额. 如果您被选中进行联邦认证,但不希望完成该过程,并希望取消您的援助申请, 你应该向学生金融服务办公室发送书面通知.
add remove Awarding
教育部要求正规博彩十大网站在分配贷款资金之前确定学生是否有资格获得特定的其他第四章援助,以减少借款需求. 发放贷款前,助学金和校园基金发放贷款前. Concurrently, the university must award Direct Subsidized Loan funds for the maximum amount for which the student is eligible before awarding the Direct Unsubsidized Loan. However, 如直接资助贷款的款额为200元或以下,而有关款额可包括在直接非资助贷款内, 然后,根据联邦指导方针,大学不需要单独发放补贴贷款. 供独立学生使用, Coker may originate a Parent PLUS and disburse Parent PLUS funds without determining the student’s Pell Grant and Direct Subsidized Loan eligibility. Determining Pell eligibility is not relevant for Graduate PLUS, but Coker will determine a graduate/professional student’s maximum Direct Unsubsidized eligibility before the student can apply for a Graduate PLUS.
作为财政援助授予过程的一部分,贷款资格必须确定和验证. 发放直接贷款时, 根据联邦指导方针,学生的学术水平(在校时间)用于确定可用贷款资金的金额. 学术水平定义为大一(0-27完成学分), sophomore (28-57 completed credit hours), 初级(58-89学时), and senior (90+ completed credit hours). 根据正规博彩十大网站学术目录中接受的转学时数,转学生被分配一个学术水平. Additionally, 贷款资格也根据学生的年度贷款限额以及根据联邦指导方针的总贷款限额来确定.
Please see academic level loan eligibility in Table 2.0
请参阅总贷款限额 Table 2.1
科克确实允许学生在入学期间减少贷款金额. 由于这样的贷款发起少于学生的年度最高资格,可以发生在学生的书面请求. 接近或达到最高贷款金额的学生将收到学生金融服务办公室的书面通知. 如果他们的贷款只用于支付学费,或者学费和书本费等. A copy of the letter or email will be retained in the student’s file.
add remove 借款人及自我证明表格
Coker’s borrower and self certification form is available here.
FAFSA Deadline Dates
add remove 2022-2023 FAFSA
Fall 2022 May 1, 2022 Spring 2023 October 1, 2022 Summer 2023 March 1, 2023 -
add remove 2023-2024 FAFSA
Fall 2023 May 1, 2023 Spring 2024 October 1, 2023 Summer 2025 March 1, 2024
Important Links
add remove Financial Aid
- FAFSA on the Web
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid. 用于申请所有形式的联邦援助和大多数形式的基于需求的援助. - 学生资助
信息的来源,为学生寻求正规博彩十大网站的财政援助的过程和规定. 美国教育部网站. -
直接贷款入学咨询,主本票,PLUS贷款预筛选 - FinAid
学生经济援助指南 - 南卡罗莱纳大学助学金
为南卡罗来纳居民从他们的州寻求大学经济援助的信息来源. - 陆军紧急救援奖学金
现役军人的配偶和在现役期间死亡的军人的遗孀. This scholarship is to assist spouses in furthering their education. - 南卡罗来纳学费补助
关于南卡罗来纳州全日制私立大学学生助学金的信息. - The GI Bill Express:
政府颁发的军事助学金和奖学金的信息来源. - Wired Scholar
A search engine for Student Scholarships. - Broke Scholar
Access to a searchable database of over 650,000 scholarships - Fast Web
A search engine for Student Scholarships. - Tuition Exchange
库克员工福利:以库克大学的学费率就读另一所大学 - 网上选择性服务
Are you registered for Selective Service? 这是联邦援助的要求 - 国家学生贷款数据系统 Exit Counseling
完整的退出咨询. - 国家学生贷款数据系统
The NSLDS is the U.S. 教育部’s central database for student aid. NSLDS receives data from schools, loan agencies, and U.S. 教育部正规博彩十大网站. 学生可以使用网站查询第四章贷款和/或助学金. The site displays information on loan and/or grant amounts, outstanding balances, loan statuses, and disbursements. To use the web site, you will need to provide your social security number, 你名字的前两个字母, your birth date, and your PIN.
- FAFSA on the Web
add remove Debt Management
AES offers resources to students regarding budgeting, 估计你的贷款还款额, grace period, interest savings, debt repayment, and consolidation. - Discover
Discover Student Loans offers a “Borrow Smart Video”, loan planner, and information on establishing and maintaining good credit. - Sallie Mae
Sallie Mae提供了解学生费用、明智的计划、投资规划师等方面的信息. - WellsFargo
富国银行(WellsFargo)提供“亲身体验银行业务”,为年轻人提供预算建议, savings, and credit counseling
add remove KHEAA Verify
KHEAA has been contracted to complete all verification, 不寻常的入学历史, and citizenship verification for Coker University. All verification, 不寻常的入学历史, and citizenship documents are available by signing into MYKHEAA at 所有表格和文件必须尽快填写并提交给韩国高等教育学院校核. KHEAA Verify will contact the student if the documents received are incomplete or if additional information is required to complete the verification process, 异常的注册历史流程, 和/或公民身份程序. 学生及家长如有任何问题,请与校核局联络, 不寻常的入学历史, 和/或公民身份. KHEAA Verify contact information is listed below.
P.O. Box 4048
Frankfort, KY 40602
Fax 502-696-7230
Phone 855-272-8771
www.kheaaverify.comSouth Carolina Tuition Grant Verification Deadline:南卡罗来纳州合法居民的学生必须在11月15日之前完成验证和不寻常的入学历史处理,以便考虑获得南卡罗来纳州学费助学金.
How does a student begin the verification process?
- Go to and click “Sign In”.
- Sign in to MyKHEAA with the student’s ID and password. (First-time MyKHEAA users must register first.)
- 点击“校核”.
- Complete the required verification forms.
add remove The Ombudsman Office
申诉专员公署是个人通过其他客户服务途径寻求帮助后的最后资源. 在联络申诉专员之前, 有关学生贷款的借款人应与贷款持有人联系或访问我们的网站以获取更多信息. Current students should contact their financial aid office first.
When contacting the Ombudsman Office, be ready to:
- Identify the problem and the reason behind it
- Define expectations
- Describe actions already taken to resolve the problem
- Supply Documentation to support your position
联络申诉专员最简单的方法是透过 其他联络方式有:
U.S. 教育部
P.O. Box 1854
Monticello, KY 42633
Phone: 1-800-433-3243
Website: (最适合用于提起诉讼)
Cohort Default Rates
add remove 2019
- 2019财年队列违约率为3%.1
- The national FY 2019 Cohort Default Rate is 2.3